XIYAO Gotcha-4-Gaza!
(easy visibility version)

XiYao Gotcha-4-Gaza is a fundraiser that aims to assist Palestinians in Gaza who suffer from living under violent occupation by highlighting a select number of charities and community funds!

This campaign is created and organized solely by XiYao fans (shippers of Lan Xichen & Jin Guangyao from MDZS)! We are in no way affiliated with the author MXTX or any official or company release.We would greatly appreciate any efforts to share this Gotcha-4-Gaza carrd or any of our linked socials with other Xiyao Fans!

Current timeline breakdown:June 17th
‣ Contributor sign-up form will be open
July 12th
‣ Donator submission form for prompt requests will be open
‣ Contributors will start getting assigned prompt to fulfill!
Aug 2nd
‣ Donator submission form prompt requests will be closed
August 3rd and onward:
‣ Contributors will continue to fill submitted prompts until completion!

Didn't mean to come here? Let's go back to the other carrd!


Frequently Asked QuestionsHow much money should I donate?
To request a prompt, here are the amounts needed:
- One( 1) SFW prompt is $5
- One (1) NSFW* prompt is $8
What about eSims donations?
Particularly for Nomad, which is currently the most needed from all eSim sites, there is a breakdown of set prices. Here are the donation amounts for prompts:
- $9 (1GB) for ONE (1) SFW prompt
- $16 (3GB) for TWO (2) SFW, or ONE (1) NSFW prompt
- $22 (5GB) for THREE (3) SFW, or TWO (2) NSFW prompt
- $34 (10GB) for FOUR (4) SFW, or THREE (3) NSFW prompt
If you are donating eSIMs via a different website with a different breakdown, please message us on Twitter @XIYAOaction, Tumblr @XiyaoGotcha4Gaza, or email [email protected].
Can I donate more than 5 U$D or 8 U$D?
Of course! The more donations, the better for the people in Gaza! You may attach the proof of donation for the total amount in the prompt form HOWEVER please be aware that you must fill out one form for each prompt. For Example, donating $10 at once can get you two prompts, but you must fill out two prompt forms. Note: Admins will be reviewing proof thoroughly to make sure the system is not cheated.
Where do I send you my money?
This event does not receive any of the money! The only thing we need from you is proof of donation. Please make your donation to any of our selected fundraisers.
What is considered proof of donation?
A receipt or screenshot showing that your payment has been done during the donation time frame July 12 - Aug 2. Please block out any sensitive information to your discretion (i.e. credit card/bank details, full name etc. Email must be visible.)
What if I donated eSim(s) to Gaza?
Please provide a screenshot of the emailed eSim QR code (but please be sure to CENSOR the QR code, and any other sensitive information i.e., cc/bank details, full name, etc.) that you have sent to [email protected], with your own email visible.
I have donated before the event, can I still get a prompt?
Unfortunately we will only accept requests for donations made during the donation time frame July 12 - Aug 2 since the goal for this campaign is to promote new donations.
How do I send you my proof of donation?
Simply attach a screenshot of your emailed receipt of your donation in our sign-up form.
Can I send a NSFW prompt?
You can, as long as you’re an adult (18 years old or older) and donate the appropriate amount.
Can I request a Dead Dove prompt? (potentially high sensitive content)
Yes! However, we do reserve the right to deny or request a change of your prompt in the event we are unable to assign a DD prompt as our contributors are volunteer based.
How many prompts can I get?
You get 1 SFW prompt for every 5 U$D, and 1 NSFW prompt for every 8 U$D (adults only). For example, if you donate 9 U$D, you can still get only 1 SFW prompt or 1 NSFW prompt. If you donate 10 U$D, you can get 2 SFW prompts or only 1 NSFW prompt, donate 13 U$D for 1 SFW and 1 NSFW, etc.
Can I donate again?
Yes, of course! Just be sure to send us another form with the new proof of donation.
What type of prompts are allowed?
Anything that is within the Rules & Guidelines.
What should I expect from the fanart / fanfic?
Since it’s all volunteer work, the only request is a minimum of 500 words for fanfic and a sketch for fanart. Anything in addition to that (more than 500 written words, a full illustration, etc.) is up to the discretion of our artists and writers. For more info, check the Rules & Guidelines.
What should I expect from the podfic?
Since it’s all volunteer work, you can expect a simple recording and production of the podded fic of your choice. Additional production value to the podfic (sfx, foley fx, musical intro/outro, cover art, chatty or ice cold reads or even a multi-voice project) is up to the podficcer's discretion. For more info, check the Rules & Guidelines.
How will I receive the fanfic or fanart?
The volunteer artist or writer will post it and tag you on Twitter or Tumblr (depending what contacts you provided in the donation form). In the case of fanfic or podfic, it may be gifted it to you on ao3. The event account will share it, and the fic on ao3 will be added to our XiYao G4G Collection!

Rules & Guidelines

**DONATORS UNDER THE AGE OF 18 ARE PROHIBITED FROM REQUESTING NSFW PROMPTS. This is non-negotiable!Try to word prompts clearly and concisely in your prompt submission form!Have a screenshot of your emailed donation receipt as proof of donation ready. For the sake of easier tracking, we will require donator’s to fill out one form per promptFor podfic requests, we will only be accepting prompts of works that either already have Blanket Permission (via the FPS list), or works that the prompter themself got permission for (prompter will be asked to provide screenshot proof).The prompt must be XiYao focused
We are celebrating Lan Xichen & Jin Guangyao by creating prompted fanworks for a cause after all! It is okay if your prompt has background ship(s), and poly-xiyao ships are fine as long as XiYao is front & centre.
Minimum requested for fanfics
500 words (unless the prompter specifically wants less than 500 such as a drabble). The volunteer may decide to create a more detailed or extended work.
Minimum requested for fanart
Sketch (digital or traditional). Other technical aspects are left for the artist to decide (size, color, etc). The volunteer may decide to create a more detailed or extended work.
Minors CANNOT request NSFW prompts
If you’re a minor you may request SFW prompts only! Artists and writers will be required to flag and tag nsfw content in twitter, please avoid interacting with this type of content in our account.
Alert of sensitive content
Sensitive / NSFW content must be tagged in AO3 / flagged in Twitter and Tumblr. Otherwise, we won’t be able to share the work in Twitter / Tumblr.
No Bigotry of any kind
This includes whitewashing of characters, racism, antisemitism, transphobia, xenophobia, etc.
No erasure of canon disabilitiesOn Dead Dove content
Dead dove prompts are allowed but please be aware that we do reserve the right to deny or request a change of your prompt in the event we are unable to assign a DD prompt as our contributors are volunteer based

Hello Contributor! THANK YOU for signing up to volunteer being a contributing creator! This event would not be able to run without you 🙏🏽✨ Here is an informational guide for y'all! Pls feel free to DM us on our socials or ping us in the discord server if you have any clarifying questions!Once you are signed up we will DM you with more information and re-share the link to join an optional discord server for the event creators. Commissions will be assigned out via DM and a google sheets document which will be distributed once creator sign-ups are finalized.Please be honest about who and what you will be comfortable doing on the google form so that we can effectively match you to prompts! We have not ruled out dead dove content so remember that when filling out the limits/triggers section. Prompts will be assigned to people who can fill it. If you are ever uncomfortable with a prompt we can reassign it, so just DM us (on twitter, tumblr, email, or discord) so that we can do that!There is no set deadline for prompt filling as its hard to anticipate how busy everyone will be when it comes to prompts! Don't burn yourselves out - we are asking for a minimum of 500 words from writers, sketches (in chibi style too!) from artists, and a limit of 5k long fic for podficcers. the idea is everyone who donates gets their prompts filled!There will be an option to cap the number of prompts you're willing to take on in an effort to avoid burnout!
For all contributors, you may choose to cap at:
- 3 prompts
- 5 prompts
- 10 prompts
- or choose to have no cap at all!
For podficcers, you have the additional choice to have a cap at:
- 500 words(~ 5min)
- 1k words(~ 10min)
- 3k words(~ 20min)
- 4k words(~ 30min)
- 5k words(~ 40min)
We will not be accepting any prompts that ask for fics more than 5k words to be podficced.
Please choose for yourself which option is best suited to what is within your capacity when you sign-up!**You can always reach out to a mod if for whatever reason you are struggling with finishing an assigned prompt and are considering un-claiming the prompt!


Guideline on expectations - Do however much you feel inspired to do, and feel free to go above and beyond, but at a minimum we expect a sketch. it can be in chibi style!Posting on social media - You must post your fanart on social media to help promote this fundraiser -- if you want to do so anonymously, please DM the work to the event runners and we will either post it on your behalf or send it directly to the prompter depending on what you prefer!Posting NSFW art - Please use Twitter's built in features to hide sensitive content. there is a workaround for Tumblr which can be founds here but otherwise, you can make a censored version of your submission. feel free to post across multiple platforms!Tag the prompter - Either in the post itself, if you're posting to twitter or tumblr where you can easily do so, or send it to them via dms. it's very important that every prompter gets notified that their work has been created, so do not forget this! If your prompter is anonymous, DM us on Twitter or Tumblr, or ping one of the mods in the discord server, so that we can notify the prompter directly.Tag @XIYAOaction on twitter & @XiyaoGotcha4Gaza on Tumblr! - Please tag us in the image so we can promote it -- we will also tick you off the list and mark the work as complete when you've tagged us! If you can't tag us for any reason (don't have twitter, etc) you must make sure that you DM it to us or put a link to it on a different platform into the discord server, in the designated channel for finished works. If you're posting on Tumblr or Twitter, you can also use the hashtag "#XiyaoGotcha4Gaza" but this is optional.Anonymous posting - Your art must go to the prompter in some format. If you want to do so anonymously, please DM the work to the event runners and we will either post it on your behalf or send it directly to the prompter depending on what you prefer.


Guideline on expectations - we haven't put a hard limit for word count in for writers! Feel free to go above and beyond 500 words if you feel inspired to do so.Posting on Ao3 - We have assumed most fic writers will put their work on ao3. You don't have to, but it is strongly recommended. Please post works to the collection Xiyao-Gotcha-For-Gaza. Please ensure all your work is properly tagged and rated! If you need any help with this you can ask a mod, but we may reject works from the collection if the tagging is insufficient.Posting on social media - You must post your fic on social media in some format to help promote this fundraiser -- if you want to do so anonymously, please DM the work to the event runners and we will either post it on your behalf or send it directly to the prompter depending on what you prefer!Tag the prompter - Either in the post itself, if you're posting to twitter or tumblr where you can easily do so, or send it to them via dms. it's very important that every prompter gets notified that their work has been created, so do not forget this! If your prompter is anonymous, DM us on Twitter or Tumblr, or ping one of the mods in the discord server, so that we can notify the prompter directly.Tag @XIYAOaction on twitter & @XiyaoGotcha4Gaza on Tumblr! - please tag us when you post you fic so we can promote it -- we will also tick you off the list and mark the work as complete when you've tagged us. If you can't tag us for any reason (don't have twitter, etc) you must make sure that you dm it to us or put a link to it on a different platform into the discord server, in the designated channel for finished works. If you're posting on Tumblr or Twitter, you can also use the hashtag "#XiyaoGotcha4Gaza" but this is optional.Gifting your work is an option on ao3 - you are welcome to do this if you can easily find the prompters account listed on their profile, for example, or if once you post they comment and you wish to do so. completely optional! Anonymously posting fics is absolutely allowed, please add them to the anonymous collection first, and then to the Xiyao-Gotcha-For-Gaza Collection. We will see your username when you submit the fic but nobody else will, and we promise we won't tell!


Guideline on expectations - We have put a hard limit on the length of a submitted fic at 5k wordcount! Any additional production value to the podfic (sfx, foley fx, musical intro/outro, cover art) or doing a chatty or ice cold reads is totally up to you! Feel free to also collab with other podficcers (within or outside of this event) if you want to make a multi-voice podfic!!!Posting on Ao3 - We have assumed most podficcers will put their work on ao3. You don't have to, but it is strongly recommended. Please post works to the collection Xiyao-Gotcha-For-Gaza. TIP: To ensure all your work is properly tagged and rated you can easily import the tags, summary, & ratings with the help of Ao3 Podfic Posting Helper which will be an absolutely gamechanger in podfic posting on ao3 if you don't already use the extension!Posting on social media - You must post your podfic on social media in some format to help promote this fundraiser -- if you want to do so anonymously, please DM the work to the event runners and we will either post it on your behalf or send it directly to the prompter depending on what you prefer!Tag the prompter - Either in the post itself, if you're posting to twitter or tumblr where you can easily do so, or send it to them via dms. It's very important that every prompter gets notified that their work has been created, so do not forget this!Tag @XIYAOaction on twitter & @XiyaoGotcha4Gaza on Tumblr! - please tag us when you post your podfic so we can promote it -- we will also tick you off the list and mark the work as complete when you've tagged us. If you can't tag us for any reason (don't have twitter, etc) you must make sure that you dm it to us or put a link to it on a different platform into the discord server, in the designated channel for finished works. If you're posting on Tumblr or Twitter, you can also use the hashtag "#XiyaoGotcha4Gaza" but this is optional.Gifting your work is an option on ao3 - you are welcome to do this if you can easily find the prompters account listed on their profile, for example, or if once you post they comment and you wish to do so. Completely optional! Anonymously posting podfics is absolutely allowed, please add them to the anonymous collection first, and then to the Xiyao-Gotcha-For-Gaza Collection. We will see your username when you submit the fic but nobody else will, and we promise we won't tell!